Events Supported - Participated


4 - 6 November 2024, Athens, Greece
14th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE24) and AGRIVOLTAICS 2024
more info (ICEFPE24) | more info (AGRIVOLTAICS 2024)

29 June - 6 July 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece
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30 October - 1 November 2023, Athens, Greece
13th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE23) and AGRIVOLTAICS 2023
more info (ICEFPE23) | more info (AGRIVOLTAICS 2023)

1-8 July 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
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10-12 October 2022, Athens, Greece
12th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE22) and AGRIVOLTAICS 2022
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2-9 July 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
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11-12 October 2021, Athens, Greece
11th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry
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3-10 July 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece
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12-13 October 2020, Athens, Greece
10th Conference & Exhibition on Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry
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4-11 July 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece
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1-6 December 2019, Boston Massachusetts, USA
MRS 2019 Fall Meeting USA
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3-4 December 2019, Stuttgart, Germany
Business & Technology Insight Forums
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20-21 November 2019, Santa Clara, USA
IDTechEx Show 2019
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29-31 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain
IoT Solutions World Congress - Digitalizing Industries
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24 October 2019, Brussels, Belgium
Zero Defect Manufacturing Workshop
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22-23 October 2019, Brussels, Belgium
Workshop on Smart Bioelectronic and Wearable Systems
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23-26 September 2019, Rhodes, Greece
MNE 2019
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16-19 September 2019, Warsaw, Poland
EMRS Fall Meeting 2019
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7-15 September 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
84th TIF
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29 June -6 July 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
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27-31 May 2019, Nice, France
EMRS 2019 Spring Meeting
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26-31 May 2019, Barcelona, Spain
8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE8)
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15-17 May 2019, Munich, Germany
InterSolar Europe 2019
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10-11 April 2019, Berlin, Germany
IDTechEx Show Emerging Technologies Unleashed 2019
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19-21 March 2019, Munich, Germany
LOPEC 2019
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14-15 November 2018, Santa Clara, USA
IDTechEx Show Emerging Technologies Unleashed
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30-31 October 2018, Vienna, Austria
Industrial Technologies 2018 - Innovative Industries for Smart Growth
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22 October 2018, Athens, Greece
9th Workshop on Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry (Targeting the Digital Transformation)
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12-15 October 2018, Athens, Greece
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30 June -7 July 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece
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20-12 June 2018, Munich, Germany
InterSolar Europe 2018
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11-12 April 2018, Berlin, Germany
Printed Electronics Europe 2018
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24-26 January 2018, Shangai, China
Emerging Technologies 2018
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17-19 October 2017, Malaga, Spain
ETPN 2017
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2-29 September 2017, Athens, Greece
Graphene Week 2017
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1-8 July 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
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21-23 June 2017, Valletta, Malta
EuroNanoforum 2017
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31 May -2 June 2017, Munich, Germany
InterSolar Europe 2017
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15-17 February 2017, Tokyo, Japan
Printable Electronics Japan 2017
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16-17 November 2017, Santa Clara, USA
Printed Electronics USA 2016
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10-18 September 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
81st TIF 2016
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27-31 August 2016, Rome, Italy
ESC Congress 2016
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2-9 July 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
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22-24 June 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Industrial Technologies 2016
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20-24 June 2016, Munich, Germany
EUPVSEC - InterSolar Europe 2016
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30 May 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
8th Workshop - Boosting the Organic and Printed Electronics Industry in Greece
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27-28 April 2016, Berlin, Germany
Printed Electronics 2016
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18-21 January 2016, Abu Dhabi
WFES 2016
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15-17 September 2015, Hamburg, Germany
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10 July 2015, 9.00 am, Thessaloniki, Greece
NANO-GR Special Workshop during NANOTEXNOLOGY 2015
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10 July 2015, 9.00 am, Thessaloniki, Greece
NanoSafety Stakeholder Event during NANOTEXNOLOGY 2015
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8 July 2015, 13.00 pm, Thessaloniki, Greece
GR Nanomed Platform general assembly during NANOTEXNOLOGY 2015

4-11 July 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece
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10-12 June 2015, Riga, Latvia
EuroNanoForum 2015
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28-29 April 2015, Berlin, Germany
Printed Electronics 2015
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10-13 March 2015, Bilbao, Spain
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3-5 March 2015, Munchen, Germany
LOPEC 2015
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18-19 December 2014, Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece
7th ROleMak Workshop "Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece"
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8-11 July 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
11th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN14)
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7-10 July 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
7th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE14)
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5-12 July 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
8th International Summer Schools on "NN, OE & NM" (ISSON14)
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7-11 July, Thessaloniki, Greece
4th International EXPO
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6 - 13 July 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece
7th International Summer Schools on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine (ISSON13)
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9 - 12 July 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece
10th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN13)
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8 - 11 July 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece
6th International Symposium for Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE13)
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8 - 12 July 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece
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26 April 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece
ROleMak Workshop "Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece"
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28 January 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece
Smartonics Kick-off meeting
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21 December 2012 in Athens, Greece
Workshop "Creating the Organic Electronics Industry in Greece"
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19 November 2012 in Thessaloniki, Greece
ROleMak Stakeholder Meeting & Workshop "Development of Organic Electronics Industry in Greece"
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27 April 2012 in Thessaloniki, Greece
ROleMak Workshop "Commercializing Organic Electronics in Greece"
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30 June - 7 July 2012 in Thessaloniki, Greece
6th International Summer Schools on Nanosciences, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine (ISSON12)

3 - 6 July 2012 in Thessaloniki, Greece
9th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN12)

2 - 5 July 2012 in Thessaloniki, Greece
International Symposium for Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE12)

2 - 6 July 2012 in Thessaloniki, Greece


09 - 16 July 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece
5th International Summer School on Nanosciences, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine (ISSON11)

12 - 15 July 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece
8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN11)

10 - 13 July 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece
International Symposium for Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE11)

11 - 15 July 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece


10 - 16 July 2010 in Halkidiki, Greece
4th International Summer School on "Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies - ISSON10"

12 - 14 July 2010 in Halkidiki, Greece
7th International Conference on "Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies - NN10"

6 - 9 July 2010 in Halkidiki, Greece
International Symposium for Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE10)


11 - 17 July 2009 in Thessaloniki, Greece
3rd International Summer School on "Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies - SS-NN09"

13 - 15 July 2009 in Thessaloniki, Greece
6th International Conference on "Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies - NN09"

8 - 10 July 2009 in Halkidiki, Greece
International Symposium for Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE)




28 - 31 January 2008, Funchal, Portugal

11 - 12 March 2008, Dresden, Germany
Nanofair 2008

12 July 2008 - 18 July 2008 in Thessaloniki, Greece
2nd International Summer School on "Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies"

14 July 2008 - 16 July 2008 in Thessaloniki, Greece
5th International Conference on "Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies - NN08"

10 July 2008 - 11 July 2008 in Halkidiki, Greece
International Symposium for Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE)


3 - 4 December 2007, Paris, France
3rd Nanotechnology Transfer Executive Summit in Europe

16 - 19 April 2007, Brussels, Belgium
INC 3: 3rd International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation

16 - 19 April 2007, Paris, France
ISPE Seminar: Nano and Micro Technology for Pharmaceutical Products and Processes

18 - 21 April 2007, Snowbird, United States

19 - 21 April 2007, Venice, Italy
Nanotoxicology 2007

01 May 2007, Palo Alto, United States
Financing Strategies for Nanotechnology Companies

02 May 2007, Loughborough, Great Britain
CEMMNT Launch Event: Measurement and Characterisation for Micro and Nano Technologies (MNT)

03 - 04 May 2007, Bologna, Italy

07 May 2007, Leuven, Belgium
Nanotech Outreach Workshop

14 - 15 May 2007, Vienna, Austria
Converging Science and Technology: Research Trajectories and Institutional Settings

16 - 17 May 2007, Nottingham, UK

22 - 25 May 2007, Minsk, Belarus
Nanomeeting 2007

27 May 2007 - 01 June 2007, Gargnano, Italy
EUPOC 2007

29 May 2007 - 01 June 2007, Denver, United States
EIPBN - The fifty-first international conference on electron, ion, and photon beams and nanolithography

01 - 06 June 2007, Tarragona, Spain
Summer School on Women-in-nano: Career Development and Research Trends

05 - 07 June 2007, Bergen, Norway
NANOMAT conference 2007

12 June 2007, Zurich, Switzerland
BioDevice Partnering 2007

13 - 15 June 2007, Münster, Germany
NanoBio-Europe 2007

15 - 15 June 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland
International workshop on CNT RF NEMS and hybrid CMOS-CNT RF integrated circuits

19 - 21 June 2007, Duesseldorf, Germany
EuroNanoForum 2007

24 - 29 June 2007, Autrans - Grenoble, France
MIGAS´07 - Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulation for NanoElectronics

26 - 28 June 2007 in Paris, France
Cancer Nanotech 2007

27 - 28 June 2007 in Paris, France
Nano Toxicity 2007

28 - 29 June 2007, Berne, Switzerland
NanoConvention 2007*/---/l=1

14 - 20 July 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece
Summer School on “Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies”

16 - 18 July 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece
4th International Workshop on “Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies – NN07”

02 - 06 July 2007, Portoroz, Slovenia
European Polymer Congress 2007

02 - 06 July 2007 in Stockholm, Sweden
ICN+T 2007, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology

09 - 11 July 2007, Algarve, Portugal
Nanosmat 2007

09 - 11 July 2007, Portimao, Portugal
Symposium on Nanotechnology Approaches, Nanomaterials and Thin Films for Energy

13 - 24 August 2007, Utrecht, Netherlands
USNM - Utrecht Summer School in NanoMaterials

02 - 05 September 2007, Berlin, Germany
1st World Congress on MicroNanoReliability

03 - 06 September 2007, San Sebastian - Donostia, Spain
TNT 2007 (Trends in Nanotechnology)

06 September 2007, Nottingham, UK
Scanning Probe & Raman Microscopy Workshop

13 September 2007, Guildford, UK
LOT and JPK BioAFM Workshop "Soft Matter & Life Science AFM"

17  - 21 September 2007, Barcelona, Spain
Chirality at the nanoscale

18  - 19 September 2007, Milan, Italy
Nanoforum 2007

23  - 26 September 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark
33rd International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering

24  - 25 September 2007, London, UK
Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials

22 - 23 November 2007, Frankfurt, Germany
Nanotechnologieforum Hessen

28 - 29 November 2007, London, UK
Nanomedicine 2007-Investing in Medical Nanotechnologies II


13 December 2006, Paris, France
2nd Workshop on Nanotechnology Transfer in Europe

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