The activities and services of Nano|Net cover the rapidly growing fields of "Nanotechnologies & Nanobiotechnologies". These fields are being regarded as the most significant development and sustainable lever of modern and emerging technologies and economies.
Every approach in the fields of "Nanotechnologies" needs to be done either top-down or bottom-up and in the terms of interdisciplinarity. This interdisciplinarity takes shape in Nano|Net, where the collaborating University Labs, Research Centers, Industrial Enterprises, SME Companies, Hospitals and Policy makers cover the research fields of Physics, Chemistry, Pharma, Computing, Biology, Medicine, Engineering, Materials Science, Nanobiotechnology and Nanosystems. Nano|Net is supported by the LTFN Lab, the Interscientific Postgraduate Programs "Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies - N&N" the NANOTEXNOLOGY annual multi-events and many other related Networks.
The target of Nano|Net is the creation of a Core that will Coordinate the activities & services of Nano|Net members; entities active in the fields of Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies & Nano(Bio)Medicine. Many Nano|Net members from Greece, Europe, USA and Asia already participating in the network, have enhanced their research, collaboration and funding prospects. The utmost purpose of Nano|Net is the expansion of the network with even more members located worldwide and the reinforcement of its relations and bonds with the Industry and the Society.
Nano|Net is an International network with cross-disciplinary role since it includes four vertical and three horizontal clusters:
Vertical Clusters
- Nano(Bio)Medicine
- Thin Films & Organic Electronics
- Nanomaterials & Nanoengineering
- Nano in Energy & Environment
Horizontal Clusters
- Nanometrology, Tools, Modeling
- AI, ML, NanoManufacturing
- Business, Legal, Ethics, Health Safety
The purpose of Nano|Net different Clusters is the reinforcement of existing collaborations and the development of new ones between Research and Industry actors in the private and public sector and the promotion of the innovative knowledge of each of the Clusters for funding purposes.
Who can be a Nano|Net member?
Industrial enterprises, Research Centres, University Labs, SME companies, Hospitals and Policy makers are invited to join Nano|Net.
All those who is involved with research, development and application on one or more of Nano|Net thematic areas/clusters.
- Set a Core that will coordinate the Activities and Services of Nano|Net members, active in Nanotechnologies and Nano(Bio)Medicine.
- Inform the members of the Network about Research Programs and Funding Opportunities.
- Support Mobility and Communication among members in sharing Expertise and Resources.
- Identify the bottlenecks/limitations requiring solutions in the fields of Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies and Nano(Bio)Medicine.
- Identify future Applications or Techiques to direct the research efforts of the different Clusters.
- Facilitate and Promote Technology transfer from Lab to Industry.
- Enhance the bonds and relations with the Industry.
- Promote and Lobbying activities.
Why to join?
Becoming a member is giving you the chance to be integrated into a most promising International network of “Nanotechnology & Nanobiotechnology” experts.
Then you will have a lot of opportunities to influence and become part of the evolving future in these fields, by interacting with other members of the network. Also you will have the opportunity to discover events organized by Nano|Net, like the NANOTEXNOLOGY annual multi-events and be informed of the latest developments and happenings in the fields of Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology by receiving the Nano|Net newsletter.
How to join?
Membership is free of charge. Join us here.